COD 2018 - S621

Defining identity in Shakespeare’s "Twelfth Night": a cross-gender reading

Literature teachers, literature lovers

1 sesiones, inicia: 28-May

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2018
Nivel: Secundaria
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Pospuesto
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Capacitador/es: Ms. Flavia Daniela Pittella
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 500.00
No afiliados
ARS 500.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 28 Mayo 2018 05:30 pm 08:30 pm


Flavia Daniela Pittella

Ms. Flavia Pittella graduated from the University of La Plata as a Teacher of English Language and Literature. She is also Lic. in Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO, with special mention in Reading, Writing and Education. She has participated in international academic conferences and has published articles in different magazines. She holds several Postgraduate courses in literature and language teaching. For the past 20 years, she has taught ESL classrooms and ESL examinations for the IGCSE/AS Language and Literature. She has been a Reading group facilitator for over nine years. She is a cultural journalist at Radio Mitre and several other media. She has published "40 libros que adoro y no podes dejar de leer". Planeta, 2014. She writes regularly for Infobae Cultura. She is the director of “El tercer lugar: espacio cultural”.
Literature teachers, literature lovers
It is the objective of this course to help students untangle the many layers of meanings that this play proposes in order that they may be able to successfully answer the questions presented in the AS exam as well as enjoy this very witty play. Being a classic, this play presents several issues which are very much in discussion today: gender, sexuality, androgyny, etc. together with issues related to power, peer pressure, social expectations and many other interesting themes to be discussed with students.
• gender identity and other themes
• word play and song
• social class and language
• pretence and make belief
Bloom, Harold. Shakespeare and the Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998.
Doblas, Maria. “Gender Ambiguity and Desire in Twelfth Night.”
Schiffer, James (ed.) Twelfth Night, New Critical Essays New York, Routledge, 1988
.Shakespeare, William. “Twelfth Night, Or What You Will.” Open Source Shakespeare.
Shakespeare, William, Twelfth Night