COD 2024 - D972

Webinar - The Lost Generation: Hemingway's and Faulkner's short stories on the 125th Anniversary of Ernest Hemingway's Birth

Literature lovers interested in discussing Hemingway's and Faulkner's short narrative. Language and Literature teachers interested in literary analysis and its impact on teaching literature

1 sesiones, inicia: 07-Jun

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2024
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Cecilia Lasa MA
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Centros de Examen
ARS 15000.00
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ARS 15000.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 07 Junio 2024 05:30 pm 07:30 pm


Cecilia Lasa

Cecilia Lasa is a Teacher of English (IESLV “Juan R. Fernández”) and a Teacher of Literature (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA). She holds a Master's Degree in Literatures in Foreign Languages and in Comparative Literatures (UBA) and a Higher Diploma in Research in Humanities (UBA). She has done a Specialisation in Reading, Writing and Education (FLACSO) and in Writing and Literature (Ministerio de Educación). She has worked as a teacher of Literature and of academic reading and writing in Teacher Training Colleges in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and in Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. She is currently working as a teacher and researcher in English Literature and American Literature (FFyL, UBA) and conducting her Ph. D research at Instituto de Filología “Amado Alonso” (UBA-CONICET). She is the author of Academic Writing and has edited and co-authored Literatura y formación docente. Proyectos de lectura y de escritura.
Literature lovers interested in discussing Hemingway's and Faulkner's short narrative. Language and Literature teachers interested in literary analysis and its impact on teaching literature
- To identify the main features of Hemingway’s and Faulkner’s narrative styles
- To recognise Hemingway’s and Faulkner’s main thematic concerns
- To characterise the status of American Literature at the beginning of the 20th century
- To describe the main aspects of the historical context in which Hemingway and Faulkner write their stories
- To analyse the cultural and political implications of the stories
- Narrative crises by the end of the 19th century.
- New ways of writing literature.
- The USA and Europe in the context of the First and the Second World Wars.
- Hemingway's and Faulkner's experimental narrative.
- Character construction, setting and atmosphere in Faulkner’s "Evangeline" and a selection of stories from Hemingway's The Nick Adams Stories
- Recovery of attendees' previous knowledge about the texts and their authors
- Discussion of the problems related to the context of production
- Introduction to the main thematic concerns and artistic aspects of the short stories
- Exploration of specific features of the short stories –characters, setting, conflict, etc.
- Guided group analysis of the short stories.
Source text

Hemingway, E. The Nick Adams Stories
Faulkner, W. “Evangeline”

Critical and theoretical material

Bloom, Harold. American Fiction between the Wars. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2005.
Blower, Brooke. Becoming Americans in Paris: Transatlantic Politics and Culture between the World Wars. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Cowley, Malcolm. A Second Flowering. Works and Days of the Lost Generation. New York: Viking Press, 1973.
Dolan, Marc. Modern Lives: A Cultural Re-reading of “The Lost Generation.” West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1996.

Cambridge’s Bibliography about Literature in English

Cambridge International Examinations (2018). Learner Guide IGCSE® Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Russell, C (2018). Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Whitthome, E (2018). AS & A Level Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.