COD 2024 - D951

Webinar - Prepping for the Merchant of Venice (AS Level 2024-2026)

This course is directed to Literature, Language and Drama Teachers. Reading and introducing Shakespeare to their students. Preparation for AS levels

1 sesiones, inicia: 17-May

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2024
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Susan Cocimano
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Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 17 Mayo 2024 05:30 pm 07:00 pm


Susan Cocimano

Drama Teacher/Trainer, Susan specialises in drama and creativity; tools that enable a novel insight for teaching and learning creatively across the curriculum. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Shakespeare from the University of Warwick. Her aim is to encourage both teachers and students to experience Shakespeare in a more dynamic and challenging manner, introducing new techniques and skills. Susan was Coordinator of the Arts Department in secondary at Cardinal Newman (2009-2016) and taught Drama in Education at St. Trinnean Teacher's College (2001-2017). She is a Cambridge Speaking Examiner and co-founder of Full Circle English.
This course is directed to Literature, Language and Drama Teachers. Reading and introducing Shakespeare to their students. Preparation for AS levels
- To approach this play from a different perspective
- To discover unexpected themes and key moments
- To explore and try out a pack of activities that will challenge, engage and enable students to improve their:
- Knowledge and understanding of the play and appreciation of relevant contexts
- Ability to read closely and cite evidence from the text.
- Analyse the characters more in depth.
- Discuss and evaluate different opinions and interpretations of texts.
When Shakespeare wrote "The Merchant of Venice" he chose one of the richest cities in Europe
as a setting for his play about wealth, friendship, love and greed.
We meet characters who have little reason for being miserable: Antonio has many ships and much wealth. Portia has many good fortunes. Yet their discontent should give us a clue to one of the important ideas of the play-- that money can't buy you happiness.
Friendship is an important part too: Bassanio and Antonio. Shylock, the moneylender, from a different religion. Also, another clue to one of the themes of the play.
As we read, we must ask ourselves: What is this play really about? Moneylending? What is it like to feel persecuted for being different? What does friendship mean—to risk death? Can love change a person? Learning not to judge by appearances?
Is this play about greed or revenge?
During this workshop, teachers will go through a wide range of activities, techniques and strategies that will foster student involvement.
To take action: Encourage/challenge students to play with the text. Edited it, play with words, lines, reinterpret, become familiar with it, so that they don't feel restrained by (as they say) the "difficult language" or "old English".
Become part of the action: Encourage/challenge students to plunge into the play. Act, stage scenes, interact with the characters, further develop minor characters. Bring the play to life.
Establishing the world, key themes and images, telling the story, discovering characters and exploring language. This pack of activities will provide the students a better understanding of the play and its context.
Please bring your copy of The Merchant of Venice.
- Gibson, R., 1998. Teaching Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Shakespeare, William, The Merchant of Venice, The Complete Works, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Winston, J. and Tandy, M. 2012. Beginning Shakespeare 4-11. UK: Routledge
- The RSC Shakespeare Toolkit for Teachers, 2010.UK: Methuen Drama
- Teaching Shakespeare, Themes in the Merchant of Venice. The University of Warwick.