COD 2023 - D903

Webinar - Wells' Martian Mayhem; Unraveling The War of the Worlds (IGCSE 2024-2026)

IGCSE level Literature teachers and Literature teachers in general

1 sesiones, inicia: 25-Oct

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2023
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Pospuesto
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Mr. Leonardo Andrés Pantaleo
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
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Centros de Examen
ARS 4500.00
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ARS 4500.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 25 Octubre 2023 05:30 pm 07:30 pm


Leonardo Andrés Pantaleo

Leonardo graduated from the University of La Plata as a Teacher of English Language and Literature. He is doing his MA degree in Literary Studies at UBA. He has worked as a Teaching Assistant in Contemporary English Literature for two years and one in English Culture and Civilization at UNLP. He has participated in several academic conferences. For the past fifteen years, he has taught ESL and FLE classes for IGCSE and AS/A English Language and Literature in English at Patris Bilingual School, City Bell, and he has prepared IB candidates at St. George's, Quilmes and at Southern International School. For the past three years, he has developed digital material for an online educational platform.
IGCSE level Literature teachers and Literature teachers in general
- To provide an overview of the historical and cultural context of The War of the Worlds.
- To analyze the key themes, literary techniques, and narrative structure of the novel.
- To explore different interpretations and critical perspectives on the text.
- To discuss effective teaching strategies and activities for engaging students with the novel.
- To encourage discussions on the relevance and impact of The War of the Worlds in contemporary society.
The late 19th-century Victorian era: Scientific advancements, imperialism, and social changes.
H. G. Wells as a pioneer of science fiction and his influence on the genre.
Exploration of themes such as alien invasion, technological progress, and humanity's response to crisis.
Literary techniques employed by Wells, including foreshadowing, symbolism, and social commentary.
Comparative analysis with other science fiction works and their historical significance.
Critical interpretations of the novel: colonialism, Darwinism, and societal fears.
Examining adaptations and the novel's enduring legacy in popular culture.
Presentation and discussion of the historical and cultural context of The War of the Worlds.
Analysis of key themes and literary techniques..
Group discussions on different interpretations of the novel.
Sharing teaching strategies for fostering critical thinking and textual analysis.
Exploration of multimedia resources, such as film adaptations or radio dramas.
Engaging activities, such as creative writing exercises or role-playing scenarios.
Encouraging students to connect the themes of The War of the Worlds to contemporary issues.
Parrinder, Patrick, H. G. Wells: The Critical Heritage. London, Routledge, 1997.
Parrinder, Patrick (ed.), The Science Fiction of H. G. Wells. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2005.
Suvin, Darko, Victorian Science Fiction in the UK: The Discourses of Knowledge and of Power. Boston, Hall, 1983.
Wells, H. G., The War of the Worlds. USA, Penguin Classics, 2005.
Zamir, Shamoon, The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitism in "The War of the Worlds". USA, University of Nebraska Press, 1981.