COD 2022 - D759

What and how to teach the post-pandemic learner

All ELT teachers and coordinators

4 sesiones, inicia: 05-Sep

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2022
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Mercedes Perez Berbain MA, Ms. Mariana Cecilia Vendrell
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 8800.00
No afiliados
ARS 8800.00


Sesiones Fechas Horario
1 05 Septiembre - 11 Septiembre 2022 Sesión a distancia
2 12 Septiembre - 18 Septiembre 2022 Sesión a distancia
3 19 Septiembre - 25 Septiembre 2022 Sesión a distancia
4 26 Septiembre - 02 Octubre 2022 Sesión a distancia


Mercedes Perez Berbain

Mercedes Pérez Berbain is an educational consultant and teacher educator. She is a faculty member at Pilgrims Teacher Training (UK) and ESSARP (Argentina), and a reviewer for several international journals. She holds an M.A. in Education with Distinction from Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has written materials for Pearson and OUP, and co-edited for Palgrave Macmillan. Her research interests include leadership in education, inclusion, and young learners.

Mariana Cecilia Vendrell

Mariana Vendrell is a graduate teacher of English from ISP "Joaquín V Gonzalez" and is currently studying a postgraduate course in English Literature and Linguistics from the Universidad del Litoral. She has extensive experience as an EFL teacher with a focus on Literature and Creative Writing. She has developed as an in-company trainer and workshop facilitator. She has also taught at both private and state schools and at various language institutes. She has a special interest in teaching approaches, learning skills and thinking dispositions.
All ELT teachers and coordinators
For participants
- to rethink what and how they are teaching
- to curate resources and design units of work which are in keeping with what and how learners need to learn
- How we teach as subordinate to what we want learners to learn.
- Units of work for primary and secondary learners
- Learning how to think, as well as how to interact and mediate in English.
Participants will inductively start by having a look at how different learners learn different contents. They will asynchronously explore the different sources which have informed the choice of the resources and the way they have been designed. Gradually participants will collaboratively design their own material, which they will be able to use with their learners at the end of the course. On zoom, participants will share with their colleagues how their own learning might have shed light on how post-pandemic learners might need to approach learning.
Banegas, D., Beacon, G., & Pérez Berbain, M. (Eds.) (2021). International perspectives on diversity in ELT. Palgrave.
Claxton, G. (2021). The future of teaching. Routledge.
Hattie, J. & Yates, G. (2014). Visible learning and the science of how we learn. Routledge.
Mercer, S. & Dörnyei, Z. (2020). Engaging language learners in contemporary classrooms. CUP.
Perkins, D. (2014). Future wise: Educating our children for a changing world. Jossey-Bass.
Ritchhart, R. & Church, M. (2020). The power of making thinking visible. Jossey-Bass.
Tiramonti, G. (2022). El gran simulacro. Libros del zorzal.