COD 2023 - D717
Webinar - Exploring and (re)discovering "Love in a Life" by R. Browning, "Verses Written on Her Death-bed at Bath to Her Husband in London" by M. Monck (Marinda), "From An Essay on Criticism" by A. Pope and "The Character of a Happy Life" by H. Wotton (IGCSE 2023/24)
Secondary level Language and Literature teachers preparing students for their IGCSE Literature exams Secondary level Literature teachers willing to integrate new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching
sesiones, inicia: 27-Abr
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Ficha del curso
Ciclo: 2023
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Yael Hasbani
Colegios Afiliados
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Centros de Examen
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Sesiones | Fechas | Inicia | Termina |
1 | 27 Abril 2023 | 05:30 pm | 07:00 pm |
Yael Hasbani
Secondary level Language and Literature teachers preparing students for their IGCSE Literature exams
Secondary level Literature teachers willing to integrate new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching
Secondary level Literature teachers willing to integrate new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching
To work hands on the poems in order to address the expected assessment areas:
- knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the texts
- understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes
- understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods
- response to the writer’s use of language
- ability to express students’ personal responses
- knowledge of the content of the text through reference to detail and use of quotations from the texts
- understanding of characters, relationships, situations and themes
- understanding of the writer’s intentions and methods
- response to the writer’s use of language
- ability to express students’ personal responses
-Robert Browning ‘Love in a Life’
-Mary Monck (‘Marinda) ‘Verses Written on Her Death-bed at Bath to Her Husband in London’
-Alexander Pope ‘From An Essay on Criticism’
-Henry Wotton ‘The Character of a Happy Life’
- Activities to foster understanding of the poems.
-Mary Monck (‘Marinda) ‘Verses Written on Her Death-bed at Bath to Her Husband in London’
-Alexander Pope ‘From An Essay on Criticism’
-Henry Wotton ‘The Character of a Happy Life’
- Activities to foster understanding of the poems.
Hands-on practice workshop. During the session, we will work on the poems, addressing possible obstacles and challenges posed by the texts, and we will also discuss different possibilities of activities to apply in class.
Cuddon, J.A. (1998) The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. Penguin Books: London.
Pope, A. (1998). The English Studies Book. An Introduction to Language, Literature and Culture. Routledge: London and New York
Songs of Ourselves Volume 2: The University of Cambridge International Examinations Anthology of Poetry in English. (2018) Cambridge University Press: United Kingdom
Pope, A. (1998). The English Studies Book. An Introduction to Language, Literature and Culture. Routledge: London and New York
Songs of Ourselves Volume 2: The University of Cambridge International Examinations Anthology of Poetry in English. (2018) Cambridge University Press: United Kingdom