COD 2022 - D697

Webinar - Songs of Ourselves Volume 1, Part 4 (IGCSE 0475 2023-2025)

IGCSE Literature teachers and poetry lovers

4 sesiones, inicia: 26-May

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2022
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Beatriz Koessler MA
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 8800.00
No afiliados
ARS 8800.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 26 Mayo 2022 05:30 pm 07:30 pm
2 09 Junio 2022 05:30 pm 07:30 pm
3 23 Junio 2022 05:30 pm 07:30 pm
4 07 Julio 2022 05:30 pm 07:30 pm


Beatriz Koessler

Beatriz holds an MA in Literary Linguistics from the University of Nottingham, Uk. She was a lecturer in British Literature and Literature in the Language Class at both I.S.P. "J. V. González" and I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández" for more than thirty years. She has worked as a materials designer for the British Council and for Pearson Education. She's co-author of the Storyline series.
IGCSE Literature teachers and poetry lovers
The aim of this course will be to help teachers become less intimidated by the IGCSE Song of Ourselves poetry section in the belief that:
- as the themes of poetry are universal their students will be able to establish links between their world and the "world" of the poems.
- poetry is the genre which offers the greatest interpretive freedom.
- the conciseness of the poems will allow teachers to delve into their syntactic and lexical components in a short teaching period.
From Songs of Ourselves Volume 1, Part 4, the following 15 poems: Margaret Atwood, ‘The City Planners’ Boey Kim Cheng, ‘The Planners’ Thom Gunn, ‘The Man with Night Sweats’ Robert Lowell, ‘Night Sweat’ Edward Thomas, ‘Rain’ Anne Stevenson, ‘The Spirit is too Blunt an Instrument’ Tony Harrison, ‘From Long Distance’ W H Auden, ‘Funeral Blues’ Thomas Hardy, ‘He Never Expected Much’ Fleur Adcock, ‘The Telephone Call’ Peter Porter, ‘A Consumer’s Report’ Judith Wright, ‘Request To A Year’ Charles Tennyson Turner, ‘On Finding a Small Fly Crushed in a Book’ Percy Bysshe Shelley, ‘Ozymandias’ Stevie Smith, ‘Away, Melancholy’
These may be found in Songs of Ourselves Volume 1: The University of Cambridge International Examinations Anthology of Poetry in English (Cambridge University Press).
A blend of text-oriented and reader-oriented approaches for participants, and their students, to be able to respond as freely as possible to the words of each poem.
Articles on specific poems will be provided along the text.