COD 2024 - D530

Webinar - Literature and New Media: Dealing with bullying and emotional learning through literature and films: in R.J. Palacio' Wonder and its film adaptation, Morpurgo's Who is a Big Bully Then? & Benjamin Zephaniah's Face

Primary and secondary level language and literature teachers who are willing to integrate innovative texts, new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching.

2 sesiones, inicia: 04-Jul

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2024
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Yael Hasbani
Imprimir curso
Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 30000.00
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ARS 30000.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 04 Julio 2024 05:30 pm 07:00 pm
2 11 Julio 2024 05:30 pm 07:00 pm


Yael Hasbani

Yael is a graduate English teacher from I.E.S.L.V "Juan Ramón Fernández", and a senior student at the Translation course in the same institution. She finished her specialization in English Literature II, focusing her dissertation on the Literature of Third Places. She holds a Postítulo de Especialización de Nivel Superior en Educación y TIC from Ministerio Nacional de Educación. She also holds a postgraduate diploma in English Literature from Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés. She has worked for more than 15 years teaching English at primary and secondary school institutions and as a course facilitator for professional development. She also worked at I.E.S.L.V "Juan Ramón Fernández” for 2 years as a Literature II teacher at Teacher Training College. She is currently a lecturer in the subjects Literatura Inglesa II and Taller de Metodologías de la Investigación, Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
Primary and secondary level language and literature teachers who are willing to integrate innovative texts, new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching.
To acquaint participants with R. J. Palacio’ Wonder and discuss the theme of bullying.
To acquaint participants with Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully Then? Discuss the theme of bullying as represented in this short novel
To discuss Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Explore emotional learning, peer group pressure and bullying as shown in the novel.
To explore possible activities for language and literature classes and interdisciplinary projects.
- R. J. Palacio’ Wonder. Analysis. Characterization. Sequels of the novel. Possible extensions. Audiovisual adaptations of the novel.
Stephen Chbosky’s Wonder. Main elements of mise-en-scène as one possible approach to analyze the film adaptation.
Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully then?. Characterization. Humor and Irony.
Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Characterization. Point of view.
- Bullying: how to explore this issue through literature and new media. Possible activities and ideas to effectively incorporate in class.
- Emotional learning: main characteristics. Strategies to develop emotional learning and insight with our students.
Hands-on practice workshop. During the sessions, we will analyze the novels and the audiovisual texts and possible transpositions for the classes.
Chbosky, S. (2017). Wonder
Palacio, R. J. (2012) Wonder. Random House: New York
D’Espósito, L. (2014). Todo lo que necesitás saber sobre cine. Paidós: Buenos Aires Gibbs, J. (2002). Mise-en-scéne. Film Style and Interpretation. Wallflower: London and NY
Hutcheon, L. (2006). Theory of Adaptation. Routledge: NY
McRae, J. (1994). Literature with Small ‘l’. Macmillan Education
Villarejo, A. (2007). Film Studies. The Basics. Routledge: NY
Zephaniah, B. (1999) Face. Bloomsbury: New York