COD 2023 - D530
Webinar - Literature and New Media: Dealing with bullying and emotional learning through literature and films: in R.J. Palacio' Wonder and its film adaptation, Morpurgo's Who is a Big Bully Then? & Benjamin Zephaniah's Face
Primary and secondary level language and literature teachers who are willing to integrate innovative texts, new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching
sesiones, inicia: 29-Jun
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Ficha del curso
Ciclo: 2023
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Ms. Yael Hasbani
Colegios Afiliados
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Sesiones | Fechas | Inicia | Termina |
1 | 29 Junio 2023 | 05:30 pm | 07:00 pm |
Yael Hasbani
Primary and secondary level language and literature teachers who are willing to integrate innovative texts, new media, visual and auditory literacies in their daily teaching
- To acquaint participants with R. J. Palacio’ Wonder and discuss the theme of bullying.
- To acquaint participants with Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully Then? Discuss the theme of bullying as represented in this short novel
- To discuss Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Explore emotional learning, peer group pressure and bullying as shown in the novel.
- To explore possible activities for language and literature classes and interdisciplinary projects.
- To acquaint participants with Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully Then? Discuss the theme of bullying as represented in this short novel
- To discuss Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Explore emotional learning, peer group pressure and bullying as shown in the novel.
- To explore possible activities for language and literature classes and interdisciplinary projects.
- R. J. Palacio’ Wonder. Analysis. Characterization. Sequels of the novel. Possible extensions. Audiovisual adaptations of the novel.
- Stephen Chbosky’s Wonder. Main elements of mise-en-scène as one possible approach to analyze the film adaptation.
- Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully then?. Characterization. Humor and Irony.
- Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Characterization. Point of view.
- Bullying: how to explore this issue through literature and new media. Possible activities and ideas to effectively incorporate in class.
- Emotional learning: main characteristics. Strategies to develop emotional learning and insight with our students.
- Stephen Chbosky’s Wonder. Main elements of mise-en-scène as one possible approach to analyze the film adaptation.
- Michael Morpurgo’s Who is a Big Bully then?. Characterization. Humor and Irony.
- Benjamin Zephaniah’s Face. Characterization. Point of view.
- Bullying: how to explore this issue through literature and new media. Possible activities and ideas to effectively incorporate in class.
- Emotional learning: main characteristics. Strategies to develop emotional learning and insight with our students.
Hands-on practice workshop. During the sessions, we will analyze the novels and the audiovisual texts and possible transpositions for the classes.
- Chbosky, S. (2017). Wonder
- Palacio, R. J. (2012) Wonder. Random House: New York
- D’Espósito, L. (2014). Todo lo que necesitás saber sobre cine. Paidós: Buenos Aires Gibbs, J. (2002). Mise-en-scéne. Film Style and Interpretation. Wallflower: London and NY
- Hutcheon, L. (2006). Theory of Adaptation. Routledge: NY
- McRae, J. (1994). Literature with Small ‘l’. Macmillan Education
- Villarejo, A. (2007). Film Studies. The Basics. Routledge: NY
- Zephaniah, B. (1999) Face. Bloomsbury: New York
- Palacio, R. J. (2012) Wonder. Random House: New York
- D’Espósito, L. (2014). Todo lo que necesitás saber sobre cine. Paidós: Buenos Aires Gibbs, J. (2002). Mise-en-scéne. Film Style and Interpretation. Wallflower: London and NY
- Hutcheon, L. (2006). Theory of Adaptation. Routledge: NY
- McRae, J. (1994). Literature with Small ‘l’. Macmillan Education
- Villarejo, A. (2007). Film Studies. The Basics. Routledge: NY
- Zephaniah, B. (1999) Face. Bloomsbury: New York