COD 2024 - D1006

Webinar - Songs of Innocence and Experience: critical analysis at the service of a personal response (AS & A Level)

AS & A Level teachers

1 sesiones, inicia: 15-Jun

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2024
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Eugenio López Arriazu PhD
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Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 15 Junio 2024 09:30 am 11:30 am


Eugenio López Arriazu

Eugenio is a Ph. D. in Literature from UBA. He graduated from I. S. P. Joaquín V. González as a teacher of English as a Foreign Language, and from the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, as Licenciado en Letras and Profesor de Lengua y Literatura. He currently teaches American Literature and Slavic Literatures at the UBA. He has taught Introduction to Literature, American Literature, and English Literature I and II at several Teacher Training and Translator Training Institutions, as well as Literatures in English and Literary Theory at the Diplomatura Superior en Cs. del Lenguaje, I.S.P.J.V. González.
AS & A Level teachers
- Acquaint participants with the historical context of the texts.
- Acquaint participants with the themes, proceedings and style of the poems.
- Establish relations with our current reality
- Foster critical thinking
-Guide participants to use bibliography and literary theory to develop personal positions.
Willam Blake (1757-1827) is considered a precursor of Romanticism, as the movement will be known after the publication of Lyrical Ballads (1798) by W. Wordsworth and T. S. Coleridge. But he has also influenced later movements and artists such as the modernism of T. S. Eliot, the beatnik vanguardism of Allen Ginsberg, the rock and roll of Jim Morrison or the hallucinatory world of Aldus Huxley. His deceivingly simple poetry, both emotional and critical, has triggered, therefore, many critical interpretations which do not always agree with each other. This webinar aims at acquainting participants with some of these responses, as well as with the formal characteristics of the poems, in order to pose problematizing questions whose answer would lead to a personal and reasoned response.

Set AS & A poems to analyze:
The Shepherd
The Lamb
The Little Black Boy
The Chimney Sweeper
The Little Boy Lost
The Little Boy Found
A Cradle Song
The Divine Image
Holy Thursday
Nurse’s Song
A Dream
On Anothers Sorrow
Earth’s Answer
Holy Thursday
The Little Girl Lost
The Little Girl Found
The Chimney Sweeper
Nurses Song
The Fly
The Angel
The Tyger
My Pretty Rose Tree
The Little Vagabond
The Human Abstract
A Poison Tree
A Little Boy Lost
The School Boy
Since this will be an on-line course, participants will be provided with material for analysis and discussion of the poems by e-mail. As usual, the coordinator will play the role of facilitator in order to elicit from participants their own criticism of the texts. The analysis of the poems will be, therefore, carried out not only through dialogue with the participants, but by the implementation of group-work, whose conclusions will be debated later with the whole group. Group-work will be carried out on-line in break-out groups monitored by the facilitator.
Bowra, Maurice (1978) The Romantic Imagination. Oxford: OUP.
Eliot, T.S., (1996) “Blake” in The Sacred Wood. London: Methune.
Tiniánov, I. (2010) El problema de la lengua poética. Buenos Aires: Dedalus Editores. Traducción del ruso de E. López Arriazu.
Young, A. (1974) Gay Sunshine Interview with Allen Young. Berkeley, CA: Grey Fox Press. (Interview to Allen Ginsberg).