COD 2024 - D1003

Webinar - Dreaming of Greatness: Debating about the fall of the American Dream in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Luhrmann's 2013 film adaptation

Literature teachers, Literature lovers and people interested in film adaptation

1 sesiones, inicia: 31-May

Ficha del curso

Ciclo: 2024
Nivel: A Distancia
Idioma: Inglés
Estado: Terminado
Lugar: A Distancia
Capacitador/es: Mrs. Maria Victoria Llera, Ms. Julia Fernández Armendariz
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Colegios Afiliados
No arancelado
Centros de Examen
ARS 15000.00
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ARS 15000.00


Sesiones Fechas Inicia Termina
1 31 Mayo 2024 05:30 pm 07:00 pm


Maria Victoria Llera

Victoria Llera is a Graduate Teacher of English from I. E. S en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández" and holds a BA in English Language from the University of San Martín. She is currently specializing in English Literature II and Literary Movements of the Twentieth Century at the I.E.S.L.V. “Juan Ramón Fernández” while teaching IGCSE/AS at Colegio Jesus Maria, Recoleta. She has taught IB Language B and has been working at the University of Buenos Aires, School of Philosophy and Letters, teaching language and delivering courses on Postcolonial Literature for the last six years.

Julia Fernández Armendariz

Julia Fernández Armendariz graduated as an English teacher from IES en Lenguas Vivas Juan R. Fernández, where she also completed specialisation courses in English Literature and British History. She holds a BA in Education from Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and a Postgraduate Certificate in English Studies from The University of Nottingham, England. Her areas of specialty include Postcolonial Studies, Border Theory and Historical Fiction. She teaches Literature II and Cultural Studies at IES en Lenguas Vivas "Juan R. Fernández", and English Literature and Culture at ENS en Lenguas Vivas "Sofia B. Spangenberg". She also works at Secondary school level.
Literature teachers, Literature lovers and people interested in film adaptation
- To promote an analysis of the novel based on its historical context, considering the Modernist movement.
- To discuss main themes and symbols, and how they are translated into film, taking into account Luhrmann’s 2013 adaptation.
- To reflect upon the ideas the decay of the American Dream, social decadence, loss of morality, classism, storytelling and the all-pervasive effects of war.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald’s life, work and style.
- Introduction to the historical context of the The Interwar Years, the effects of World War I and alcoholism.
- Analysis of the novel from a realist and modernist perspective.
- Discussion of characterisation, symbols and motifs.
- Presentation of key concepts, discussion and guided group reflection and exchange of ideas.
- Chevalier, Jean and Alain Gheerbrant. Dictionary of Symbols. London: Penguin Books, 1996.
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott. [1925] 1991. The Great Gatsby. London: Scribners.
- Howard, M. (1998) The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Hutcheon, L. (2006) A Theory of Adaptation. New York: Routledge.