COD 2020 - PS234

Add MORE Drama to your Toolbox!

This course is directed to teachers who want to incorporate drama activities for the teaching of English language and other subjects both in primary and secondary, and those, who eventually, wish to teach Drama

1 sessions, start: 12-Feb

Course detail

Year: 2020
Level: Primary / Secondary
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. Susan Cocimano
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 1200.00
Non affiliate
ARS 1200.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 12 February 2020 01:30 pm 04:30 pm


Susan Cocimano

Drama Teacher/Trainer, Susan specialises in drama and creativity; tools that enable a novel insight for teaching and learning creatively across the curriculum. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Shakespeare from the University of Warwick. Her aim is to encourage both teachers and students to experience Shakespeare in a more dynamic and challenging manner, introducing new techniques and skills. Susan was Coordinator of the Arts Department in secondary at Cardinal Newman (2009-2016) and taught Drama in Education at St. Trinnean Teacher's College (2001-2017). She is a Cambridge Speaking Examiner and co-founder of Full Circle English.
This course is directed to teachers who want to incorporate drama activities for the teaching of English language and other subjects both in primary and secondary, and those, who eventually, wish to teach Drama
The objective of this workshop:

- To use Drama as a tool for the teaching of English language and other subjects.
- To focus on the Drama tripod: Speech, Movement and Improvisation.
- To put teachers into action and get them to use their body, trigger their imagination and creativity.
- To supply a battery of exercises and activities that they can adapt for their students according to the level, type of group and subject.
Drama allows children to explore the world directly; it makes them more aware of themselves, other people’s perceptions and above all sensitive to the feelings of others.
Like other important educational experiences, it is a way of exploring and understanding the world. In common with Language Arts, it teaches communication skills and the use of language and imagination.
It involves physical development and co-ordination and it shares with other subjects an interest in creativity and self-expression.
During this workshop teachers will go through the experience of working as students in a classroom situation. This will enable them to become aware of the learning process, to explore and experiment, to create their own material, develop their ideas and put them into practice.
- Bernardi, Philip, "Improvisation Starters" Betterway Books, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Burton, Bruce, "How to teach primary drama" Longman Cheshire Pty Limited, Australia
- Wessels, Charlyn, "Drama" Oxford university Press, UK
- Way, Brian, "Development through Drama" Longman, UK
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