COD 2018 - P238

Phonics in the classroom: a Phonics teachers's sharing experience for Primary

All Primary teachers who have attended Synthetic Phonics 1 and are applying Phonics and spelling in the classroom. This is not an introductory course to Synthetic Phonics

2 sessions, start: 04-Jun

Course detail

Year: 2018
Level: Primary
Language: English
Status: Postponed
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. Grace Vilar
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 1000.00
Non affiliate
ARS 1000.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 04 June 2018 05:30 pm 08:30 pm
2 18 June 2018 05:30 pm 08:30 pm


Grace Vilar

Grace is a highly accomplished English teacher with extensive experience in the classroom and leadership positions in bilingual schools in Argentina. With 30 years of teaching experience, she has honed her expertise in Phonics and Literacy. She regularly travels to the UK to collaborate with renowned Phonics and Literacy experts, staying up-to-date with the latest methodologies.

Grace's passion for Synthetic Phonics is evident in her role as a Synthetic Phonics Trainer and her certification as an expert in the field. She also serves as an Educational and Literacy Consultant, offering valuable advice and delivering training sessions in various countries including Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru. Her expertise extends to both private and state schools.

Notably, Grace is an esteemed member of the IFERI Committee (International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction), where she contributes her insights and knowledge to advance effective reading instruction globally. Additionally, she is an Associate of Educators International, actively volunteering overseas for the Department of Education UK.

Grace's contributions extend beyond teaching and consulting. She has authored the acclaimed Spanish Phonics Programme, "Alfabetizacion en español," providing valuable resources for literacy development in the Spanish language.

Overall, Grace's wealth of experience, commitment to Phonics and Literacy education, and global involvement make her a highly respected and influential figure in the field.
All Primary teachers who have attended Synthetic Phonics 1 and are applying Phonics and spelling in the classroom. This is not an introductory course to Synthetic Phonics
This training course is to share teaching practices and learning experiences. To develop Phonics through exploring in more detail the teaching of synthetic phonics reinforcing its teaching practice. To adjust the existing teaching practice to the children's needs, to know how to follow up with phonics spelling, reading, and writing. How to handle the struggling child and how to implement a timely and effective intervention programme.
In this follow up training course you will:
• Share teaching practices and classroom experiences.
• Show evidence of learning through samples in videos, photographs and children's work.
• Compare and contrast teaching practices and come up with new ideas.
• Develop in more detail the teaching of phonics and spelling, reading and writing reinforcing the teaching practice.
• Learn how to identify problems and how to apply a timely intervention programme.
As a follow up training course this will be a workshop with a sharing and collaborative learning approach. All participants will take an active role sharing and showing their teaching and learning experience. We will see and analyse different classroom experience and learn how to identify drawbacks, problems, how to timely intervene in an active and inspiring session.
• Debbie Hepplewhite's
• Jolly Phonics and Floppy's Phonics programmes
Participants' evidence of learning samples in forms of videos, photos, children's writing
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