COD 2018 - P234

Exploiting Picture Books to the Full

Primary School teachers

1 sessions, start: 03-Apr

Course detail

Year: 2018
Level: Primary
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. María Cecilia Pena Koessler MA
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 500.00
Non affiliate
ARS 500.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 03 April 2018 05:30 pm 08:30 pm


María Cecilia Pena Koessler

Graduate Teacher of English at Primary level and at Secondary level from I.E.S en Lenguas Vivas "J. R. Fernández." Postgraduate course in Medieval and Renaissance Literature at I.E.S en Lenguas Vivas "J.R. Fernández." MA in Literary Linguistics (University of Nottingham) and Medieval Studies Master's degree student (UBA). She teaches English Literature I and Children and YA 's Literature at I.S.P. J.V.González and I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas "J.R. Fernández" Teacher Training Colleges and IGCSE and IB literature at secondary schools. She has participated in research projects on Intercultural Awareness and Border Thery. She has co-authored "Little Stars" pre-primary series and "Our Stories" primary series for Pearson and designed creative writing and literature materials for other series (Pearson and Macmillan).
Primary School teachers
- To explore the wide range of creative activities that can be carried out with picture books in addition to reading comprehension activities.
- To differentiate picture books from other illustrated texts in order to highlight their uniqueness.
- To identify the different parts of a picture book and how each part contributes to the visual and verbal richness of the texts.
- To analyze how borders, colours, lines, two-dimensional and three-dimensional effects affect the plot of the picture book.
- To identify postmodernist features in contemporary picture books and how they break away from tradition.
By means of a deep analysis of the art of illustration, teachers will learn to discover and interpret both how writer and artist stir young people’s imaginations. Besides, teachers will explore the wide range of creative activities that can be carried out with picture books in addition to reading comprehension activities.
This course will be delivered in a workshop mode for participants to enrich their understanding of the texts with contributions from the group. As the aim of this course is that participants have a hands-on experience, picture books of different illustrations, artistic styles, typographies, designs and age groups will be introduced for teachers to use in their classes. Teachers are invited to bring the picture books they use at school to this workshop.
- Matulka, Denise (2008). A Picture Book Primer: Understanding and Using Picture Books. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Pantaleo, S. and Sipe, L. (2007) "Exploring Peritextual Elements in Picturebooks" International Reading Association Conference.
- Reynolds, K. (2007) Radical Children's Literature: Future Visions and Aesthetic transformations in Juvenile Fiction. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Reynolds, K. (ed.) (2005) Modern Children's Literature: an Introduction. Houndmills: Palgrave.
- Salisbury, M. (2010) Illustrating Children’s Books: Creating Pictures for Publication. London: Quarto Book.
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