COD 2012 - P135
Primary School Heads' Meeting
Primary School Heads and Deputies.
sessions, start: 10-Apr
The course chosen does not allow any new enrolment
Course detail
Year: 2012
Level: Primary
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. Glennis Oliver
ESSARP Schools
Exams Schools
Non affiliate
ARS 400.00
ARS 400.00
Sessions | Dates | Start | Finish |
1 | 10 April 2012 | 01:30 pm | 04:30 pm |
Glennis Oliver
Primary School Heads and Deputies.
Open discussions and sharing of experience on relevant topics and issues which Head teachers or coordinators have to contend with in their schools today.
First session: Tuesday 10 April
"Positive Communication in school" How do you create or maintain a positive and supportive communication within school? With parents? With teachers? With school authorities?
Second Session: Tuesday 12 June
"Looking at Practice" visiting one of our Bilingual Primary schools.
Third Session: Tuesday 14 August
"How can we put differentiation into work in the classroom?" A visiting expert will share her experience and knowledge on this important topic. This will be followed by a discussion and sharing of how to put it into effect in our schools and ideas on preparing and supporting teachers for this.
Fourth Session: Tuesday 9 October
"Could we be doing better?" How can the use of feedback and self appraisal improve the quality of teaching in our schools? Finally, we will take a look at 2013 and select new topics of interest for next year.
"Positive Communication in school" How do you create or maintain a positive and supportive communication within school? With parents? With teachers? With school authorities?
Second Session: Tuesday 12 June
"Looking at Practice" visiting one of our Bilingual Primary schools.
Third Session: Tuesday 14 August
"How can we put differentiation into work in the classroom?" A visiting expert will share her experience and knowledge on this important topic. This will be followed by a discussion and sharing of how to put it into effect in our schools and ideas on preparing and supporting teachers for this.
Fourth Session: Tuesday 9 October
"Could we be doing better?" How can the use of feedback and self appraisal improve the quality of teaching in our schools? Finally, we will take a look at 2013 and select new topics of interest for next year.
The topic will be introduced and then there will be sharing activities and group discussion focusing on the topic of the month.
Varied with each session.