COD 2006 - K035

Neuropsychology of Reading: Assessment and Intervention

Teachers/administrators K-3

1 sessions, start: 14-Jun

Course detail

Year: 2006
Level: Kindergarten
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. Virginia Rapela Spaventa
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Exams Schools
Non affiliate
ARS 15.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 14 June 2006 02:00 pm 05:00 pm


Virginia Rapela Spaventa

I was born in the United Status where I graduated from High School. Upon graduating I went to Buenos Aires and attended “La Universidad del Salvador” where I majored in Tourism. I later continued my studies at “Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” en Buenos Aires. Upon returning to the United States I specialized in learning disabilities. Currently I am a “Wilson Language” trainer and the bilingual education specialist at Wake Forest University, school of medicine. My job consists of doing research in the literacy field, creating intervention programs and training teachers across the country. I have written a phonology/fluency/decoding intervention piece for the Par (Predictive Assessment of Reading) tool kit, a book for English as a Second Language called “Language in Color” and its sister: “Español a Color” is in the makings. The method to the latter two books is currently patent pending. Upon finding the need of a literacy development program for Spanish Speakers with dyslexia I created and pilot tested a literacy program for Spanish speakers with learning disabilities. Currently I am working on an Adult literacy grant from the National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C.
Teachers/administrators K-3
To obtain an understanding of the Predictive Assessment of Reading (PAR) and its role in the classroom.
Overview of the Predictive Assessment of Reading and intervention treatment: The five intertwining reading components, Federal Research, Biological evidence, Genetics Brain imaging, Components of the Predictive Assessment of Reading. Methodology: PAR tool kit includes researched based methods for developing phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary and comprehension skills. After taking a look at what science and research say about reading we will dive into the strategies which implement these findings.
Predictive Assessment of Reading Test and intervention tool kit.
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