COD 2006 - G386

Career Mapping and Development

School administrators, Heads and Coordinators. Teachers interested in developing their individual careers.

2 sessions, start: 15-Aug

Course detail

Year: 2006
Level: General
Language: English
Status: Postponed
Lugar: ESSARP - Deheza 3139, CABA
Facilitator/s: Ms. Andrea María Paz
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Exams Schools
Non affiliate
ARS 40.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 15 August 2006 05:30 pm 07:30 pm
2 29 August 2006 05:30 pm 07:30 pm


Andrea María Paz

Andrea María Paz is a graduate teacher of English. She specialized in Labour Psychology at Universidad Católica Argentina. Prior to that, she followed a Focused Programme in Marketing at IAE, Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Austral. At present, Andrea coordinates a group of human resources professionals and lectures on topics such as working environment, motivation, recruitment and career planning. She is a member of ADHRA (Asociación de Recursos Humanos de Argentina). Andrea has also expertise in general management and marketing. She was in charge of the local branch of Cambridge University Press for six years and worked in Argentina and England.
School administrators, Heads and Coordinators. Teachers interested in developing their individual careers.
- Identify key aspects of a professional career. - Reflect on the stages of career development. - Promote the relevance of career mapping. - Determine actions to be implemented for career mapping within a school.
Managing your teachers´ career routes is a key to the future performance of students. Identify realistic, effective pathways for teachers to develop within the school. Help them move into roles where they can feel valued, rewarded, motivated and happy. Also, avoid the risk of placing teachers in the wrong places where they are likely to stumble and fall. We will outline how to move from an inflexible competency model to one that enables teachers to meet their aspirations and, at the same time, help the school to reach its business goals. We will analyse a model that integrates knowledge of capability development (skills and competencies) with understanding of work and teaching jobs. - WORK: Meaning of work. Work stages in adulthood. - CAREER: Working identity. Career development. Staff management organization. Training. - TEACHER EVALUATION: The appraisal of performance and other evaluation techniques. Results of its implementation in Argentinian private schools. - RESOURCES FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Coaching. Mentoring. Counselling. Methodology: Two 2-hour sessions that focus on the latest theories of human resources and career mapping. Each session includes practical ideas to engage teachers in their career development.
Jaques, Elliot, 1998, La Organización Requerida, Granica, Argentina. Danielson, Charlotte, 2002, Enhancing Student Achievement, ASDC, USA. Rascovan, Sergio, 2005, Orientación Vocacional, Paidos, Argentina. Alles, Martha, 2004, Dirección, Granica, Argentina. Schein, Edagr, 1993, Psicología de la organización 3ra edición, Prentice Hall, Mexico. Super, Donald, 1967, Psicología de los intereses y las vocaciones, Kapeluz, Argentina.
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