COD 2024 - D934

Webinar - Unlocking Minds: Navigating the Teenage Brain - A Webinar on Questions and Metacognition in Education

All teachers at secondary school level

1 sessions, start: 29-Feb

Course detail

Year: 2024
Level: Distance
Language: English
Status: No Vancancy
Lugar: Distance
Facilitator/s: Mrs. Romina Paola Cariati MA, Ms. María Barberis
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 11000.00
Non affiliate
ARS 11000.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 29 February 2024 05:30 pm 07:30 pm


Romina Paola Cariati

Romina Cariati holds a degree in Education, specialized in Education Management from UNQUI. She is also a Teacher of English from UMSA and holds a post graduate diploma on Socio-educational Programs from the Ministry of Education. She has worked at several bilingual schools and co-founded Westbridge School of English located in Banfield. Since 2011, she has been working with the Thinking Visible approach from Harvard University, Neuroscience applied to education and the Teaching for Understanding framework.
Nowadays, she works as a Thinking Visible Coach, as an Educational Advisor at different institutions and schools, including the Ministry of Education (Bs As Province) and she is deputy head at Grilli Canning College. She is CEO of Universo Orión, a brand she created to foster deep and reflective conversations.

María Barberis

Maria Barberis is a Mg in Education Management from UNSAM and holds a Diploma in ELT Management from Surrey University. She graduated in 1977 from Catholic University of Argentina as a Teacher of English where she then taught Grammar I & II. In 1982, she co - founded Windmill Institute at CABA. For the past twenty five years she worked at Marin School in San Isidro where she performed different managerial positions such as Head of English Department in Primary and Secondary, IBD Coordinator and School Principal. At the moment, she is a teacher trainer and educator for schools as well as for companies.
All teachers at secondary school level
To look into the power of metacognition and inquiry to boost learning
- The place of metacognitive tools and strategies in the English classroom

- Developing inquiry to foster deep learning

- Anatomy of an essential question

- The power of How and What and the weakness of Why
To be shared during the webinar
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