COD 2022 - D748B

Webinar - Guillermo Enrique / William Henry Hudson: reading an Anglo-Argentine in bilingual education

Language and literature teachers, both primary and secondary, interested in transversal projects. Anyone interested in exploring William Henry Hudson's contributions to literature and other areas of human experience

1 sessions, start: 07-Sep

Course detail

Year: 2022
Level: Distance
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: Distance
Facilitator/s: Claudia Ferradas PhD, Mag. Griselda Beacon MA
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 2200.00
Non affiliate
ARS 2200.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 07 September 2022 06:30 pm 08:00 pm


Claudia Ferradas

Dr. Claudia Ferradas is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she got her first degree as a teacher of English at the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”. She holds an MA in Education and Professional Development from the University of East Anglia and a PhD in English Studies from the University of Nottingham, UK. She is an experienced presenter and ELT author who travels the world as a teacher educator. She often works as a consultant for the British Council and Trinity College London. She is also a presenter for Oxford University Press and is an Oxford Teachers’ Academy Trainer.
In Argentina, she has taught language and literature at the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, Buenos Aires, where she was also “Regente del nivel superior”. She teaches on the MA programme in Literatures in English at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza. She coordinates the literature and cultural programmes at ESSARP.
In the UK, Claudia has been a Visiting Fellow and research supervisor at the School of Languages, Leeds Metropolitan University, and is now a member of the NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) Advisory Board and the Extensive Reading Foundation committee.
Claudia has co-chaired the Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature on five occasions and has also worked as Project Manager for the Penguin Active Readers Teacher Support Programme. She has also taught on the MA programme in TEFL at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
She is a member of the editorial committee of several journals: AJAL (Argentine Journal of Applied Linguistics); Revista Interdisciplinar de Formación Docente Kimün (Instituto de Formación Docente Continua, San Luis, Argentina); Conexión, Revista de Investigaciones y Propuestas Educativas (Instituto de Educación Superior N° 28 “Olga Cossettini”, Rosario, Argentina) and CLELE Journal (Children’s Literature in English Language Education).

Griselda Beacon

Griselda Beacon is a teacher educator and specializes in literature & art in ELT. Her interests include literature, young learners, CLIL, creativity and critical interculturality. Passionate about art in education, Griselda carries out projects with literature, storytelling, drama, visual arts and creative writing to foster self-expression and creativity in diverse and inclusive English language classrooms. She holds an MA in Literature and Foreign Language Teaching from Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, and has been working in the field of teacher education and Primary curriculum development for over 20 years. She has been sharing her experience as an in-service teacher trainer and curriculum developer in Latin America, Europe, Africa & Asia. She is a co-author of Together (Oxford UP, 2018), an English coursebook series tailor-made for Argentina and co-editor of the book International Perspectives on Diversity in ELT (Palgrave, 2021). Griselda has taught Children’s & Young Adult Literature, Creativity, Drama Techniques in the English Class and Play, Music, Dance & Literature in Pre-Primary Education at Teacher Training Colleges in Buenos Aires. She regularly works as a consultant for educational institutions, such as language schools (NILE - Norwich Institute for Language Education) in the UK, ELT publishers (Oxford University Press) & libraries. At present, she lectures in American Literature at Universidad de Buenos Aires –UBA. In her spare time, Griselda loves dancing, getting lost in bookstores and taking drama classes.
Language and literature teachers, both primary and secondary, interested in transversal projects. Anyone interested in exploring William Henry Hudson's contributions to literature and other areas of human experience
- To discuss William Henry Hudson’s life and works on occasion of the centennial of his death
- To highlight the relevance of his literary production to bilingual education
- To explore ideas for activities and transversal projects in the classroom within an intercultural approach
- William Henry Hudson’s life and contributions to science, ecological awareness and literature
- Samples of Hudson’s literary work in English
- Activities for the classroom
- Suggestions for transversal projects
- Presentation of freely downloadable resources on Hudson for natural sciences, art and literature classes and projects
After a short introduction by the facilitators, participants will engage in activities, share suggestions for projects and browse free resources on Hudson produced by the facilitators and the Hudson museum
HUDSON, W.H. (1885/1911). The Purple Land. London: Duckworth.

--------------------- (1893). Idle Days in Patagonia. London: Chapman & Hall.

--------------------- (1902). El Ombú and Other Stories.

---------------------(1918 / 1991). Far Away and Long Ago - A Childhood in Argentina. London: Eland.
Jurado, Alicia (2008). Vida y obra de W.H. Hudson. Buenos Aires: Letemendia.
Aartínez Estrada, E. (1951). El mundo maravilloso de Guillermo Enrique Hudson. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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