COD 2024 - D1000

Webinar - Black Mirror: Soundscapes, Anthropometamorphosis, (Re)creations and (Per)versions

Literature and Language teachers interested in exploring the (dis)continuity between modernism and postmodernism, tradition and rupture, hybridity and liminality, intertextuality, the grotesque and Gothic Postmodernism

1 sessions, start: 06-Sep

Course detail

Year: 2024
Level: Distance
Language: English
Status: Ended
Lugar: Distance
Facilitator/s: Ms. María Florencia Borrello MA
Print course
ESSARP Schools
Free of charge
Exams Schools
ARS 15000.00
Non affiliate
ARS 15000.00


Sessions Dates Start Finish
1 06 September 2024 05:30 pm 07:00 pm


María Florencia Borrello

María Florencia Borrello holds an MLitt/MA in Communication, Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages from the Universities of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Saint Andrews (Scotland), and Bergamo (Italy). She is also a graduate English teacher from the I.E.S.L.V. “Juan Ramón Fernández”, and holds a postgraduate diploma in English Literature and Linguistics from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Ciclo de Licenciatura en Inglés). She has extensive experience as an EFL and ESP teacher at the University of Buenos Aires, School of Engineering, as an in-company trainer and as a workshop facilitator for professional development. She has also taught at both private and state schools, at various language institutes and has worked as a Spanish Teaching Assistant and Cultural Ambassador at Hiram College (USA). She has further specialized in Literature at the I.E.S.L.V. “Juan Ramón Fernández” and her main research interests lie in the fields of Postmodern Alter(ed)native Texts, Derridian Deconstruction and the Digital Humanities.
Literature and Language teachers interested in exploring the (dis)continuity between modernism and postmodernism, tradition and rupture, hybridity and liminality, intertextuality, the grotesque and Gothic Postmodernism
To explore postmodern tropes and topoi, anthropometamorphosis, dehumanization and alienation, cyborgs, alterity and otherness. To build strategies that will enable participants to take an active role in the creation of meaning of the filmic text(s).
- Guided group reflection and exchange of ideas on the filmic text(s).
- Exploration of the Derridean concept of the spectre and the notion of spectrality of the virtual world.
- Reflection on the role of new technologies and social networks in dictating and shaping social status and feeding into our worst tendencies.
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